Easier than writing lots of individual emails


I see that the last time I posted was on May 12th, 2009.
Today is June 2oth, 2009.
My silence is not from a lack of blog worthy life happenings… nope, I just need a scribe instead of me writing it all down.
I guess there’s a season for everything…and this last season was the one with no time to blog, I suppose.

Well, I guess I will just do bullets… that seems to be my way in almost all things these days.  So, in a stream of consciousness format, here goes:
-Bought an Expedit bookcase from ikea (on sale).  I’d been wanting to buy it for a couple years and just hadn’t gotten to it.  Half off got me to it.
-A cousin’s grad party in Merced.  Fun to see family… and my mom!  🙂
-A few days up at the Seelye’s house.  Rather, at the construction site.  ALWAYS good to see them
-Got 3 deals into escrow (with a couple other clients who got out bid…still searching)
-Barely keeping up with blogs, but trying.
-Joined Twitter… am still feeling my way around, but can see the benefits already!  And, a big thanx to Piper and that one mom and her blog.  🙂
-Have had communication (lunch/dinners/facebook, email) with peeps that I miss/dig: Lynda, Ona, Beth, the Chases, Joe, Amy, Kevin, Matt…
-Have taken my car in to the mechanic… a few times… not diggin that.  Don’t want to get a new car, but am pondering…
-Coordinated another wedding (or maybe a couple, I can’t remember)
-Have read some good books about New Zealand… have some library charges for overdue books too … it’s a trade off
-My Subway phase firmly ended in April.  Though, I now like Salt & Vinegar chips…which i never did before.
-An overnighter with the Harveys… ALWAYS a joy and a pleasure!  I miss living together.
-Went to the AVID banquet and marveled as some of our very first ICUers ‘graduated’
-Took a drive after church for a sabbath rest and ended up in quiet and cool places.  Mike is a good mellow travel buddy.
-Said goodbye to one of my Icelandic roomies.  She’s off to start the next chapter of her life… we’ll miss her
-Got an extension for a speeding ticket…am going to try to get night court…for obvious reasons
-Blogging for ‘Don’t Waste My Cancer’ .wordpress.com
-Went to TMS’ graduation pomp/circumstance in support of daren… had lots of thoughts whilst on the GCC campus
-Got my hair cut/colored . . . didn’t love the end product, but don’t really care either.  Too busy to care 🙂
-Said goodbye to a dear friend and worship team member, jeff l.  We miss him so much.  we sent him off with a ‘Carne Asada’ party.  duh.
-Had to cancel a bank account because one of my checks was stolen out of a recipient’s mailbox.  BIG drag.  Lots of subsequent drama.
-Afternoon/night hangout with Becka and Heidi…SO much fun!!!!!!
-Went to a celebration BBQ for Sarah Jane’s b-day . . . and visited her in the hospital after the birth of her 2nd child 🙂
-Love seeing Peter and Heather M … and met their cool son!
-Talked to my birthday buddy, Kate Spansel! Even though i called the day after our birthdays, it was still so great!
-took part in a series of meetings to be reconciled with someone… God’s cool!
-My camera broke… big bummer for so very many reasons…
-Went to the San Diego Zoo for an afternoon, then dinner with Scott & Mike… mellow.. much needed calm
-LOTS of emails, paperwork, etc for work
-canceled LA Fitness membership… it would be better if i could hire someone to workout FOR me…
-Had  my eyebrows done with Valeria … learned that her son has an incurable disease.  😦  much prayer for them to see the hand of God
-Have ‘seen’ lots of pay per view movies (aka: had them playing in the background whilst working): ones i remember are Marley & Me, the Great Outdoors, some Sundance flicks…oh, and saw ‘UP’ in the theatre
-Hung out here and there with the Powells and enjoyed Yogurberry a great deal
-Old school style…. spontaneous errand running with Ona!  Like the old days!!
-Changed brokerages.  LOVE my new brokerage!!!!  Wish i had done it so long ago!!!!    It was a lot of work ramping up to it and now have SO much to learn that Keller Williams VIP has to offer!
-Have switched my rings from one hand to the other and back again
-cool conversations with Brad and others…
-Work related cocktail parties
-welcomed David back to SCV!!
-Outdoor baptism! which was part of a 15 hour Worship Team day (including Planet Earth 🙂 )
-Shared the gospel with a beloved friend, again.  I continue to pray!
-people watched at the mall (while david drew people).  i was supposed to be reading.  Turns out reading people is WAY more fun
-Enjoyed my living room for the 1st time in almost a year
-Been thinking alot about God and some specifics (too much to write here)
-started listening to music again (mostly while i’m in the shower)
-Went to LA at night with Mike so he could do some night shoots (photo, not firearm) and ended up at Cole’s … GREAT pastrami/swiss auju sandwhich
-LOTS of internet research for work and other quests based on ambition/obedience
-Have spotted my 1st black widow of the summer (in my home)…the killing spree is about to resume 🙂
-took a walk …it included 2 college campuses and lots of stairs…calves & quads mentioned it in the days that followed
-Lots of fun ‘designing’ back/forth with Heidi for all my updated marketing (with new brokerage logos etc)
-Welcomed the 1st baby to be born by a CURRENT worship team member: Jacob Smith (born to greg, our drummer).  Now, Jacob is our mascot.  🙂 🙂 🙂
-got new sunglasses… I made my last ones last until the coating was peeling off in my hair (classy)
-and other stuff….


  Sarah Ikegami wrote @

Wow! Hello!
Fabulous updates…I am happy about most, sad about some and curious of others. I’ve thought about you alot, lately. I love you and maybe we can hang out soon.

  ona wrote @

i love the old school errand days! boo on salt & vinegar chips…limo’n my friend, limo’n 🙂

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